We love handbags and owning the most popular expensive handbag brands is one dream that keeps us ever experimenting with the choices. Indeed, we never have enough handbags and lucky are those who can flaunt the expensive handbags.
In fashion world, handbags are elementary accessories to create an absolute stir and rage. Moreover, the added style quotient that handbags add to your personality is a celebrating feature for fashionistas. Available in variety of colors, designs and brands, it’s a must accessory to match with every occasion and event. And in this power dressing era, handbag is the accessory that can speak for itself. Moreover, it can convey your style, personality and status at the event or in your group.
Hence, from celebrities to stars, everybody loves to brag their style with the most expensive handbag brand in their hands. We have seen many exquisite luxury handbag brands on red carpet and events. On the whole, we love to adore their style.
In this read, we are celebrating the love for luxury with list of the most expensive handbags for Forbes list and Guinness world records.
Hermes is a Paris based luxury handbag brand that has fetched a whopping £125,000 for its blue crocodile Hermes Birkin handbag design. With this, the brand has managed to smash all European records for priciest handbag while there is an outrageous response on online bidding of its Birkin handbag design made out of white gold and 18-karat diamonds. The brand stands for high class luxurious products since 1837. The popular brand in elite class is the symbol of wealth and status. (SHOP HERE)
Price Range: $2000 to $30,000
Prada is a well known Italian brand helping both men and women luxury lovers to find their style with different products. Started in 1913, the brand has a history of making cosmetics, bags, apparels and jewelry. Flaunting style statement with PRADA pure leather made luxurious handbags is a favorite choice of celebrities. (SHOP HERE) or (HERE)
Price Range: $1000 to $3000
Labels: South India Fashion